Celebrating 10 Years Of Shows in 2024
Our Next Show:
25 Feb 2025 From: 7 p.m.
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Publish Date: 25 Sep 2024, 1:50 p.m.
Last Updated: 25 Oct 2024, 11:11 a.m.
You have probably noticed that our website, this website went offline for a while, let me tell you why...
We relied on a publicly available, free to share database of artist images to provide the artist images that we used on the old website. Some of those images, unfortunately had copyright images from none free-to-use sources, and we were asked to take them down, which we did. Dex decided that the easiest way to do this, was to take the site down totally, as the images were an integral part of the design.
So Why was the site down so long?
Dex likes to write the whole site himself, so there is no WordPress, Joomla or any other website builder involved in the site, it's taken Dex a while to write a totally new system, to be honest, it could have been done sooner if he had just modified the old one, but changes in the underlying technology made that impractical.
You might have noticed we have a new website!
There have been a few changes, and you may notice that our previous playlists and many of our blogposts have been deleted. The reason that we have cleared the playlists is due to database changes that would sadly make a direct import to the new website impossible. The blogposts, we have simply had a purge, removing old information that is of little use to anyone anymore.
We look forward to welcoming you to our new streams and shows as time progresses, of course, new playlists and blogposts will be added every week.
Dex has more updates and upgrades to the website planned, stay tuned!
As Ever, I'll catch you on the flip side!
© 2014 - 2025 Dex Vinyl and The Vinyl Vault Show, All Rights Reserved
All Trademarks and Copyright Images in Record Label Art and Release Art are ©, ™ / ® respective owners
These images are used for purposes defined under "Fair Use" regulations.